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Dr. Gudur Raghavendra Reddy (Raghu), is Discipline Leader for the Interaction and Visual communication design Disciplines within the School of Design and Built Environment at University of Canberra. Raghu has over 29 years of experience in interaction, visual and information design disciplines. He holds a PhD in Interaction Design from the Queensland University of Technology. His research focus is on making contemporary technological products intuitive to use for people with diverse capabilities. Over past 11 years, Raghu has published extensively in this area and won numerous awards, including a prestigious international IFIP TC 13 Accessibility Award in recognition to the most outstanding contribution on ageing, disability and inclusive design. Raghu teaches courses related to User-experience design, Physical interaction design, visual communication and design project management subjects. Raghu took to teaching after ten years of extensive industry and research work experience in interactive digital media, online distributed virtual environment games and information design in world renowned research labs. In addition to research and teaching, he is also an avid fine arts photographer, working exclusively with traditional (silver gelatine medium) black and white techniques.

Latest resume can be downloaded from this link: Resume


PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.

Master of Design, Visual Communication, Industrial Design Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India.

5 Year Diploma in Applied Arts, College of Fine Arts and Architecture, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India.